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Becca's Blog:In thoughts and words
Friday, 19 January 2007
The Bears near Katmai National Park
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: The beating of war drums....
Topic: This one is for the Bears

This came from a blog at care2 and I am passing it on... It makes me very mad to see people so uncaring to nature/wildlife as they are....

This one is for the Bears..............


Soon grizzly bears in areas adjacent to Katmai National Park and McNeil River in Alaska will be ruthlessly hunted for sport.  For over 20 years, hunting has been prohibited on the land between the McNeil River Sanctuary and the Katmai National Park boundary. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has already voted to lift this ban on bear hunting – an especially devastating decision considering the bears in this area have been habituated to humans (bear viewers, photographers and biologists) for several generations.  The bears in this area have been taught for years that humans are peaceful and not a threat but now they will be slaughtered for sport.  This hunting ban will expire on June 30th, 2007 opening the area for a bear hunt in October 2007. 

We have one last chance to stop this slaughter.  The Alaska Board of Game will be meeting in March, 2007 to consider overturning their previous decision, thus preserving the ban on bear hunting. 

Please contact: The Commissioner of Alaska Fish and Game
and let them know that you support a ban on bear hunting in land adjacent to the McNeil River Sanctuary and Katmai National Park. 

Denby Lloyd (Acting Commissioner)

PO Box 115526
Juneau, Alaska 99811-5526
Phone (907) 465-4100
FAX (907) 465-2332

Posted by beccas-corner at 9:28 PM CST

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