Long ago in a far away land, when ages still were
there was a boy named Peter, who lived right by the
It was upon a winter's morn inside the outer gate,
that Peter decided to step outside, and chance his
very fate.
His grandpa always told him that he must not go out
But the brave little Peter, really didn't care.
No wolf would get the best of him, and so he took
a chance.
And if one happened by, he would make a stance.
Just outside the outer gate, he met his friends, Duck
and Bird.
They got into an argument; the silliest ever heard.
Duck: she said, What kind of bird is it that cannot
Bird: he said, What kind of bird cannot fly? It seemed
dumb to him.
Peter tried to soothe them both, as bird hopped on
the ground.
But out jumped sly old cat, as bird flew round and
Duck, she ran to the pond, as safe as she could be.
But bird was having trouble, as cat climbed up the
Then grandpa came along and scolded Peter good.
And told him to step inside the gate, away from the
Peter, just inside the gate, could see his friends
and all.
When out of the woods they heard, a very strange distant
Out jumped a wolf, hungry and thin, from winter's
useless care,
who was looking to find a most tasty and generous
Bird, was still stuck high up in the tree,
while cat was on a branch looking down fearfully.
Duck, she was safe, but in fear ran around,
she got out of the water, running in circles on the
Before she knew what happened, the wolf swallowed
her whole.
Then he tried to climb the tree, even with his belly
Peter looked on, watching in angry disbelief,
as the wolf went on his hungry winter's feast.
Peter tied a rope on a branch in the tree,
and lassoed the wolf by the tail, as he dangled helplessly.
Then Peter stepped outside the gate, as two hunters
happened by,
and said, "We've been tracking the wolf all morning,
now he can die.
But Peter said,"NO" The wolf is safe in my care.
And to kill a helpless animal while tied, just isn't
Peter had an idea; let's take the wolf to the zoo.
So marched Peter, Bird, Cat, and Hunters and
Grandpa came too.
So wolf lived on many a year and got his second chance,
because a brave little boy named Peter went and took
a stance!
There is a little cottage in the forest deep
with cozy little windows and a good up keep.
If you peek into the window and see a big green chair,
sleeping in a red cap, you will see papa Bear.
A cat lies by the fireplace, which brightens up the
And little brother and sister Bear, are tucked up
in their room.
Mama Bear is in the kitchen, putting plates away,
reflecting on the finer points, that happened through
the day.
So if you're in the forest deep, and see a cottage
You'll know it is the home of the family Bear.
Little Ray, the Butterfly,
flies up in the deep blue sky.
Flying past meadows and rolling hills,
landing on all of the window sills.
Then he flies through the town,
looking in all the stores around.
Landing on a ladies hat,
being chased by a cat.
Then as day turns into night,
when all the stars are shining bright.
Little Butterfly Ray gets into bed,
as mommy Butterfly kisses his head.
It was just another day,
for little Butterfly Ray.
Little Nancy starts to play,
upon a rainy day
imagining flying saucers
and lemons of lightning spray.
She serves a cup of tea,
to Peter Rabbit by the sea
leaping across mushrooms
riding on the back of Bumblebee.
Then as the moon brings the night,
and all the stars are shining bright
little Nancy dreams away
until the morning's light.
As I lay upon my pillow
feeling sick and wane
I hear the grating of the Willow
upon my window pane.
Mommy brings a cup of tea
a calming balm it brings
I hear a bird up in a tree
as he gently sings.
My aches and pains soon are gone
as I get up to play
because a cup of tea; and cheerful song
chased the sick away.
Little baby Bumblebee
landed on a willow tree
with a little fuzz
and a little buzz
he flew away and said "weee"
My cat Jack
as white as he can be.
I love my little kitty cat,
and he loves me.
He climbs upon my bed
and rubs against my back.
A friend to last a life time,
my cat Jack.
They gather in the night in the woods so deep, while
all of mankind is fast asleep. They tell of legends and dance all night, until the darkness turns to light.
play their flutes and do a jig, and talk of folk that are so big. They are the wee folk merry and gay but you'll
never see them; they run away.
They live in treetops and hidden glade and cherish each grasses blade. They climb
on every cherry tree, and ride upon the bumble bee.
They are most happy; a jolly lot, and tie your shoe laces
in a knot. If your quiet and as still as the wind, maybe you'll see the wee folk then.
Dancing ladies and brave knights,
frog princes and magical kites,
this is Laura's world.
Bicycling elephants and lady of the moon,
tea parties with the queen and elves in June,
this is Laura's world.
Then comes the night where dreams abound,
"hush", it's silent all around,
but not in Laura's world!


Three little kittens, they lost their mittens,
And they began to cry:
"O mother dear,
We very much fear,
That we have lost our mittens."
Lost your mittens!
You naughty kittens!
Then you shall have no pie.
"Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow."
No, you shall have not pie.
"Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow."
The three little kittens, they
found their mittens,
And they began to cry:
"O mother dear,
See here, see here!
See! we have found our mittens."
Put on your mittens
You silly kittens,
And you may have some pie.
"Purr-r, purr-r, purr-r,
O let us have the pie.
Purr-r, purr-r, purr-r."
The three little kittens put on their mittens,
And soon ate up the pie;
"O mother dear,
We greatly fear,
That we have soiled our mittens."
Soiled your mittens!
You naughty kittens!
Then they began to sigh,
"Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow."
The three little kittens, they washed their mittens,
And hung them out to dry;
"O mother dear,
Do you not hear,
That we have washed our mittens?"
Washed your mittens!
Oh, you're good kittens.
But I smell a mouse close by;
Hush! hush! "Mee-ow, mee-ow.
We smell a mouse close by,
"Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow."
Little Jack Horner sat in the corner, Eating
his Christmas pie.
He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum, And
said, "What a good boy am I!"
There was an old woman Went up in a basket Ninety
times as high as the moon, And where she was going I could not but ask it For in her hand she carried a broom.
"Old Woman! Old Woman, old woman!" said I, "Whither,
oh whither, oh whither so high?" "To sweep the cobwebs right out of the sky, And I'll be with you by and by."
Rock-a-bye, baby, thy cradle is green; Father's
a nobleman, Mother's a queen;
And Betty's a lady, and wears a gold ring; And
Johnny's a drummer and drums for the king.
Humpty-Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty-Dumpty had
a great fall.
All the king's horses, and all the king's men Couldn't
put Humpty together again.
Goosie, goosie, gander Where do you wander? Upstairs and downstairs And in my lady's chamber.
Baa, Baa, black sheep, have you any wool? Yes
sir, yes sir - three bags full:
One for the master, one for the dame, And
one for the little boy that lives in our lane.
Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn, The
sheep's in the meadow, the cow's in the corn. Where is the little boy who looks after the sheep? He's under the haystack, fast asleep.
Hark, Hark, the dogs bark. The beggars
are coming to town. Some in rags and some in tags and some in silken gowns.
Some gave them white bread, and some gave them
brown, and Some gave them a good horsewhip and sent them out of the town.
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick,
Jack jump over the candlestick.
Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden
With cockle shells and silver bells And pretty
maids all in a row.
To market, to market, to buy a fat pig, Home
again, home again, jiggety jig. To market, to market, to buy a fat hog, Home again, home again, jiggety jog. To market, to market, to buy a plum bun, Home again, home again,
market is done.
Georgie Porgie pudding and pie Kissed
the girls and made them cry, When
the girls come out to play Georgie Porgie runs away.
Hickory Dickory dock, The mouse ran up
the clock. The clock
struck one, The mouse ran down, Hickory dickory dock.
We're all jolly boys, and we're coming with
a noise, Our stockings shall be made Of
the finest silk, And our tails shall touch the ground.