Where are you going, wolf so wise, with your piercing amber
eyes? The kind that deeply look within, as if you know just where I've been.
Where are you going? I must know, as
your paws track through the snow. Call to me from where you are. From your destiny way afar!
Cry for me, lonely wolf, and all of mankind.
Cry for our souls, we left far behind.
Cry for the sorrows, we've left on the earth,
the gratitude we give her, for giving us birth.
Cry for me, lonely wolf,
and look up and pray.
The tears that I've given, leave nothing to say.
I'd tell you I'm sorry, and that we'll be good.
I'd give you that promise, if only I could.
Cry for me, lonely wolf, your wisdom we need.
Show us your kindness, I ask and I plead.
Your intense amber eyes, search out our hearts,
You watch as we tear, the world all apart.
Cry for me, lonely wolf, as your echoing voice,
cries out to God, at our miserable choice.
Cry for me, lonely wolf, at your sacred prayer,
as you gaze at the stars, with your amber stare!
Do you hear the cries of the lone wolf howling? Where
is his pack? Where is his place? Lost, lost in the human race. People at the pipe- lines do you know, where are the
tracks of the wolf? Why are they fading into the mist? Soon you will hear only the drill and the hammer. The cry
of the wolf will be gone, soon to be heard no more! Unless we speak for the wolf; be his voice. Before his tracks are gone
forever, never more to return. Oh, What sadness that would be!!!
I looked into the
eyes, of a lonesome wolf one day. And though I tried to fight it, I could not look away. Deep inside the golden eyes,
a sadness I could see. Trapped inside a dying breed, longing to be free.
Why does mankind abandon, nature's
every will, and hurt the one's who guard her, as if it were a thrill? Deep inside the wolf's eyes, I could see it all, and
sadness fell upon me, as I heard his mournful call!
Majestic hunter and lone traveler he made is way to the
stream to drink. His beloved had the puppies to watch and she couldn't come along. He heard a very low whirring noise
and sniffed the air. He had a very strange feeling. He came to the meadow and saw a very big bird. The big bird was
heading his way and seemed to come straight at him. Another strange animal appeared from inside this bird with a long metal
stick that made a pang sound. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him. He just had to make it to the entrance to
the woods and some how he felt he would be safe. He had his beloved who would be waiting for him with a lick and his
babies who greeted him by pouncing all over him. He had to make it home to his family and somehow he felt this big
bird meant his death. The whirring noise got closer and he'd been running it seemed forever. But now he was only several
feet away from the woodland entrance. He heard another pang and felt it hit his skin and go deep inside. But still he
ran until another pang brought him down. What would his beloved do? He'd never see his babies grow up into proud hunters.
His last thoughts were why? Why did the big bird want to kill him why? And as his spirit was slowly drifting up higher
and higher he heard the strange animals. He couldn't understand their laughter or their words as they said," Look we
caught another one! This one will make a great trophy on our walls."
Far across the plains, I heard the lonesome cry,
of the white wolf, as he sings his lullabye.
I looked out across the meadow, and saw him standing
He looked into my eyes, as if my soul was bare.
The beauty of his eyes, went straight to my heart.
Just the wolf and I, as if we were one part.
We understood each other, as things are meant to be.
Just the wolf and I, we were one family.
So every night I wonder, as I look up to the sky,
and hear the mournful sound, of the wolf's lonesome
Is that the white wolf, I did one day see?
The white wolf who went inside my heart, and became
my family!
The amber eyes, the soulful stare,
is more than my beating heart can bare.
The beauty tempered by a kindred heart,
wonders why we're worlds apart.
The wisdom in your eyes is clear,
and your gentle spirit sincere.
Past ages are there in your eyes,
as you say your prayers, underneath the skies.
In our greed, we are so vain,
we cause the world endless pain.
Sing to us your sacred song.
Teach us how to right our wrong!
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say,is the voice of complicity. But silence is impossible. Silence screams. Silence is the message,just as doing nothing is
an act. Let who you are ring out and resonate in every word and deed. Yes,become who you are. There's no sidestepping your
own being or your own responsibility. What you do is who you are. You are your own comeuppance. You become your own message.
You are the message. In the Spirit of Crazy Horse." Leonard Peltier~ U.S. Federal Prisoner
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever: Its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness; but still will keep
a bower quiet for us, and a sleep full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing."--John Keats