In a villiage faraway lies a dying child. A whale lying
on a shore, dies lost and wild. Two of many victims, in a world mad and lost. The guilty go on living, while the innocent
pay the cost.
Where is the justice for our cause, where is the mighty speaker? The guilty keep on getting
stronger, while we keep getting weaker. Come on lets take a stand, we must fight for our heart. We must stand for justice,
we must do our part.
Dying for oil and for greed, if we get in their way. The pollution is killing the ozone
layer, now we have to pay. We have no rights and no money, our children have lack of food. We must sit back while the
big boys play, and dig the earth for crude.
They're cutting down all the trees, the jungles are going bare. They're
poisoning the water, and pollution fills the air. Starting wars to and fro, no future seems so great. Let's take a stand
for peace and love, before it is too late!
Far from this world, there must be a place, filled
with shining light, and ever loving grace. A world free of fear, with peace and love within, in a sky of eternity, that
will never end.
Free from pollution,
and the hum-drum way of life. Free from hate and anger, that cuts you like a knife. Far from this world, someday we
will see, what it's really like, to live fully free!
A gleam within his eye; a smile upon his face,
It looks like Barack Obama is set to win this race.
He is awe-inspiring; this I'll admit is true,
and he's got a well-made orchestrated crew.
But then again John Edwards, the one I'm rooting for,
stands for honest gains and helping all the poor.
He is not for big corporate interest; thank goodness
for the man,
and health care for kids and families are all in his
Now for Hilary Clinton, it's not looking good.
I guess she is not looking in the right neighborhoods.
She stood for war in the past, what more can I say?
And though she's got experience, it seems she'll have
to pay.
It will be a democrate, of this I'll stake my claim.
The only thing republicans give, is more of the same.
We need someone new; a refreshing honest face.
So Obama, Edwards, or Clinton, only one can win the